Tuesday, October 30, 2007


many times when i have followed others
when i have watched others
but what do i want
i am confused
what do i want i am misleaded

god greatness of the universe do guide me and show me wisdom with the purest of hearts
so that i may find truth and not be distracted and guided by ego and physical pleasures

so many times i looked and succumbed to the the flesh and listen to the bodily needs...

why is beauty and innocence so easily overlooked and taken advantage of?

why is sincerity and truthfuless so often abused?

the wickness of the heart is but the misleded
of greed and want

the fear of not having

the fear of desertment

the fear of unforgiving...

if we only realized that life is of abundance and practice faith and believe
then we would have a blissful life...

copied messages

shall i be flattered or shall i be betrayed
for all messages comes from the one source....

there is a copy right law but who does it govern?
the creator or the messenger...

if it was the creator then why wouldnt the creator want more to share
and if the messenger... is that not what he wants ultimately?

copyright is just an egoistic practice.

a practice to have the works that came form the creator
to be solely his or hers....

i know you have been copying but it doesnt matter for it shall reach to even more people then i have intended and it came not from me but the creator... right, dreamer?....

thank you and blessings..... for the word shall go further than i have intended....