Thursday, November 22, 2007

why god?...

why god?
why do you always give me something so good and then take it away from me?
do i not deserve goodness or do you not want me to see how the goodness would turn bad and i be even more disappointed?
i question myself
maybe i dun deserve it
maybe they shouldnt have been presented to me at all
is the the hard way for me to learn detachment?
if attachment is such a suffering
why make me feel?
why give them to me and take them away from me?
will there be one you ll allow me to keep and blossom with?
maybe someday i will prove myself worthy of the one
maybe someday you will answer me why...
but with faith and trust i believe all you do is good
and all is yet to come and yet to go
all is already here
and all is gone...
is that why, god?


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