Sunday, April 02, 2006

the mountains speak...

so i embarked on the trekking trip into the himalayan mountains...

the sights were breath taking...

what was more was seeing people half my size carrying loads double their weight into the mountains.

then there are the seventy/eighty years old climbinig and doing the same trek i did.

in fact, i stopped at the second highest point of the trek and think why am i doing this? then realized i dun really want to do it. not because the view was not good enough. but on the contrary, the view was too good enough, i felt i need not go on!

and every step and every slap of stones i stepped on talked to me. of cause that is a metaphor. but then on the other hand... if it was imagination, then isn't every bit of my life just an imagination realized?

however, that does not matter. what matter most was i learned.

the view, the nature, the people, the air, the sound of silence, the food, the lack of water and washing... was all new and exciting. not all were welcomed but interestingly experienced.

after being in the mountains, waking up at 6am ... bedtime, 8-9 pm... food was basic, cooked on an open fire stove in front of you, bed was just a piece of foam and room was full of cob webs... of course there are the nice, clean , touristy ones... but then you'll miss out on the whole experience. but after all that, i realized that i need only bring 3 pairs of every clothing and i would be sorted for the entire trip!

makes me think about how we abuse the earth,
and how greedy we are in wanting what we want.
massive amount of food, big houses, big cars, big everything!!!

i wept when i saw the mountains ripped off and used for agriculture.
big mountains with no trees but rice fields and corn fields...

then i stay with the people and realized we are all so ignorant.

we think we know better. but do we really?

i was sad. i was angry. as we drove into the mountains... but when i left, i left comforted. healed. and again i wept.

what is right and what is wrong?

nothing. we all have choices. we just need to make careful and wise decisions. in the law of the universe, there is no right or wrong. just cause and effect. certain forces attract others. you choose the right and the wrong choices, which we have been concieved and convinced to think and judge.

listen to everything thing you hear but let not anything affect you. if you feel angry for a person, acknowledge it. then feel love for the same person, and acknowledge it. then release both feelings and you come to be unaffected. when you are not affected by emotions or your ego, you start seeing the significance of things happening around you and then all your questions are answered.

hence, the mountains spoke to me...


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