Monday, August 14, 2006


life would be so boring without colours

but what is a good colour and what is not?

there is no good or bad colour like there is no good or bad in the world

all is equal

all share the same rights to existence

for then we can complete the existence of the whole

so what is your favourite colour?

or should you have a favourite?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

u study philosophy ar... hurhur.

12:19 am

Blogger Edric Hsu said...

I used to wear all blue or black, but my preference have since switched to green...

Rather obvious evolution in choice la... :D

There isn't a good or bad colour of course, as with anything. But people do have different energy frequencies (or auras) that correspond to that of the various colours, and find themselves influenced by these energies...

For me... green simply makes me look more radiant! :D

8:34 pm


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