Wednesday, August 09, 2006

existence of the self

why do we have partners?
why do we want a car?
why do we want a big house?
why do we wear expensive clothes?

partners are the tool to the realisation of the self.

when we have someone touching us
we feel good.
but more than feeling good we actually feel ourselves.

how often have you stood infront of the mirror and think,
'is this really me?'

we need to feel our existence
we need to feel we are real

hence we buy a car
excuse being
'i like it' but ever asked why you like it?

or being i need it from point A to point B
get a bus, take the public transport
we need our own space
my excuse is,
'i hate public transport!'

but comeon face it oliver, it's an extension of you
of your freedom, your security, your ego.

and i admit it is.

well, but a tleast i ve got a small scooter now!
smaller ego?

we need to feel that we exist
some have more need to do that than others

but realise that no matter how strong your extending fortress is
you are only YOU!

so build on the inside for a real existence
build within yourself the belief
the strength
the courage

face the existence of the self from the inside
then all your extension on the outside will become real.

'the physical gets old
the spiritual just grows...'


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