Sunday, March 25, 2007

enough is enough


reading back on my posts i realized that i have been writing about now for months now!!!

maybe i am trying to remind myself here not to forget it.

is there ever enough times to remind myself its enough?

well, i hope i finally live it enough to know that enough is enough.

blah blah blah...

precious moment

this moment or that?
what is your most precious moment?

we are always asked

what is your most memorable moment?
what is the funniest moment in your life?
what is the saddest...
what is the happiest...
what is ...

how about precious?
what is the most precious moment in your life?

for me... this is. this is and this is....etc...

i keep getting distracted by what people have, what people expect and what people want, which in turn make make me want to have, make me expect, make me want...

my mind racing ahead of me wanting and expecting...
like a bondage from the material world.
like a bondage from the darkened mind.

and when i got what i wanted.
i was not happy.
but wanted more!

then i sit and contemplate.
i sit and listen.
i sit and be.
i. be.

then i feel alive again.
for this (this...this...this...this...) precious moment have made me whole.

thinking water

water flowing
in the stream
down the river
to the sea

from the sky
came the vapour
pouring down
through its sleeves

circling of water
seem so deemed
but who decides
and who to please

where fore comes it
where for goes

thinking water or
thinking soul

Sunday, March 18, 2007

sitting in a mall

i am now sitting in a mall
working as an annoucer/dj for barbie loves mac

its amazing to see these life size barbie doll models
and ken doll models

it makes me think

they are so beautiful

it makes me feel ugly

they are so tall

it makes me feel short

they are so charming

it makes me feel unattractive

but i can do a grand jete and they cant!

why am i comparing myself to them?

why do we always compare?
why do we forget to look into ourselves and see how beautiful we are too?

we are all different
if there was only roses in the garden
how can we see the rose
but if we are the lawn the makes the roses stand out.. arent we just as beautiful and important?

so next time you sit in a mall
look around and realize we are all made beautiful in our very own ways...

maybe we should start looking at the contrast and not to compare...


how i come out with these titles
i don't know

but feeling very encouraged when i get comments from people i dun know
encouraging me
supporting me
its a real blessing and encouragement

maybe fishing came from me thinking about fishing for praises
fishing for encouragement
good wishes?

but hey dun we just sit and fish and pray for a good catch?
well isnt the best part of fishing in the waiting and the chatting and the anticipation?

enjoy the fishing dun fish for the fish, but for yourselves...
the fish is only a bonus!

Saturday, March 03, 2007


there is no consequence
there is no regret
for now i am living the fullest i can come to in my life

this is the consequence
this is the cause of regrets
for if i missed the now i would never get it back

today i have experienced the greatest moments in life...
i gave 43 dogs a bone each to chew
their happiness was my reward

for that emotion fed me for the rest of the day

hence now drop your worries and give to a good cause
for that would stay with you

live for the now and enjoy every moment of it

now, now, now, now, now..., now, now...

Thursday, March 01, 2007


emotions running through the fingers
through the touch

why do we feel with our fingers
yet we tell someone to feel with the heart

the fingers types the fingers plays the fingers feel
yet we touch with the hearts

isnt life an irony
words, irony

how do you feel?
with your fingers and your heart?

why do we contradict what we say with how we feel
is it to protect or to harm?

when we protect ourselves
do we hurt others?

when we hurt others
are we really protecting ourselves...

feel with your heart
touch with your touch

for the truth is within that cannot be touched

running waters
and feel