Friday, August 18, 2006

i live to see to hear to learn
to feel the world
as it echoes around me the voices from within

hence i am but a shadow
yet i am but a living shadow


choices that are being put before me are often scary
with new found courage through every challenge
i push forward.

Monday, August 14, 2006


life would be so boring without colours

but what is a good colour and what is not?

there is no good or bad colour like there is no good or bad in the world

all is equal

all share the same rights to existence

for then we can complete the existence of the whole

so what is your favourite colour?

or should you have a favourite?

Saturday, August 12, 2006


future is always in the future
if you worry about the future
you have missed the present

it's easy to forget that we live in the present


in the past..
we have achieved
we have failed
we have recieved
we have given

in the future we might
recieved, give, achieve, fail

but if we dun live in the NOW
we are as good as dead

as good as a thought till we are in the present future

but we so often run ahead of ourselves
that we never change up with ourselves
hence never at the future
always in fear of the uncertainty of the future!

we forget how we looked when we were twelve
without the reminder of a photo

live the moment by the moment
treasure each and every breath

for without just one we discontinue our existence
be thoughtful of our
every move
every word
every thought

send out your wishes

let your future come to you
let the promise be fulfilled
dun sabotage yourself...

peace from within

why do i always feel like i could be more interesting
why is it that other people's lives always seem more interesting than ours

maybe it's because we believe that we dun deserve

we dun deserve to be rich, to be healthy, to be happy...

how often do we look down on ourselves?

i sit here infront of the window looking out
at the forest of high rise flats in singapore
feeling caged in by the window grills...

i am trapped
i dun deserve to be free
i dun deserve to think
i dun deserve to speak...

then i looked up at the sky

it says to me

you deserve as all of us do
what i have
you have
what i can attain
you can

then i closed my eyes
felt my skin grew into the air
collided and merged

i felt the trees in me

i felt i deserve

i felt peace

i felt chaos

i felt whole

then there was no fear

just ME!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

monkey see monkey do

i see i do
you see you do

why do we imitate those who succeed
and find it so hard to be where they are?

that is because those who got there
went there their own way

we try and try
but they just dared!

we are so afraid to be our own leaders
to make up our own mind
to make our own decisions

hence, we are followers

its so much safer to follow
and try to be where they were
and when we dun get there
we say, 'life's not fair!'

on the contrary,
life is fair!

they got there because they dared
they got there because they created their dreams

therefore be daring
be brave
be yourself

create your own dream/s
follow your heart
listen to your little voice

dun just monkey see monkey do
you get me?

existence of the self

why do we have partners?
why do we want a car?
why do we want a big house?
why do we wear expensive clothes?

partners are the tool to the realisation of the self.

when we have someone touching us
we feel good.
but more than feeling good we actually feel ourselves.

how often have you stood infront of the mirror and think,
'is this really me?'

we need to feel our existence
we need to feel we are real

hence we buy a car
excuse being
'i like it' but ever asked why you like it?

or being i need it from point A to point B
get a bus, take the public transport
we need our own space
my excuse is,
'i hate public transport!'

but comeon face it oliver, it's an extension of you
of your freedom, your security, your ego.

and i admit it is.

well, but a tleast i ve got a small scooter now!
smaller ego?

we need to feel that we exist
some have more need to do that than others

but realise that no matter how strong your extending fortress is
you are only YOU!

so build on the inside for a real existence
build within yourself the belief
the strength
the courage

face the existence of the self from the inside
then all your extension on the outside will become real.

'the physical gets old
the spiritual just grows...'